Get it together Brad, it’s all coming back to us, I promise. Oh yea, because of the 12 heroic whatevers. Who’s that? Shiro, that’s the main character… (Also in retrospect….TOTALLY FORGOT THIS). And here at high school the teachers are really good at fisting. I just assumed getting stabbed wasn’t a bit deal. I’m assuming the 9-year-old does not…Oh she does…This is the worst show I’ve ever heard about. I wasn’t misremembering, I was partially remembering, and not remembering at all. I don’t wanna end up on one of those websites, what webs—NOPE NOPE NOPE NOP NOP NOP Legally you have to tell us, it’s her dad, isn’t it. It feels like it’s my fault. Well, whatever. No, that’s too spoopy. I thought that was a dragon…continue… That’s not the reason I heard of Gilgamesh but GO OFF. I have y-scalibur and Z-SCALIBUR! Yes, he has sword scoliosis. Conor, that’s a gun, that’s actually a gun. It’s a bomb factory, these are BOMBS. It’s like a super mega beam of I WIN. You know LIKE A LIAR. I would rather die, and she does.